there's KAPEL 2.0 going on. in this campus. am attending one event tonite. insya Allah. =D
finishing one assignment. and gladly to write here, alhamdulillah, i've finished my part! ^_^
even though i'm done, i feel uncomfortable. not satisfied with my works. ~_~ that leceh me inside. i wish i can go to a library with relevant reference. i wish. i wish. and i keep wishing!
nervy to go to school next week.
and my A.R progress is very slow.
i need to read more.
i do want to read.
mister, please don't put your expectations too high. i'm afraid that i will fall and hurt badly because of my failure to achieve your expectations. T_T i don't wanna be in that excruciating pain of dissapointment. no. :'[
the minor subject that i like the most; i'm afraid now. am scared to teach that subject. ~_~
final year.
seemed that i haven't prepared that much.
this fourth week, that fragile me returned. T_T
allahu yusahhil everyone! ^_^
let's go to school. hm.