living on the ground. real ground. groundfloor. alhamdulillah. :) despite all the contras in my mind, alhamdulillah. :)
the first lecture today was culture and learning. EDU 3106. went through the course proforma. it's like revising social studies. initially i thought it would be the same. but, later, i should take that as an advantage. :) in a way.
the second lecture was TSL 3110. 100% coursework. no examination. that just made my jaw dropped for a few seconds. insya Allah khair. insya Allah khair. huhuh. we did discussion. we did presentation. my group got to explain about contextualism (teaching and learning English using context). smartphone is very useful at that time since we're not really ready with notes, laptop nor ref. books. hadeyy.. then i got the group that compare and contrast KBSR and KSSR syllabus. uhuh.
the first lecture. i was fighting my sleepy-head from falling on the table. i lost to my sleepiness. the men classmates laughed at me that i fell asleep on the first day in 2013. -_-"
tomorrow, OLA (olahraga).
i just overlooked my responsibilities again returning to this campus. -_-" it's not endless, but hard to end. may Allah ease.
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